Google or AI

Is Google still the first place you go to?

When I searched for What is Traveljunkies …

Google returned this …

Traveljunkies – Adventure Travel Directory
We are Traveljunkies, the travel directory promoting small travel, tourism & leisure businesses to travellers and tourists worldwide. Looking to the future, ...

And this is what AI presented … 

Traveljunkies is a free online travel directory that promotes and refers small businesses in the travel, tourism, and leisure industries to travelers worldwide.
It aims to help travelers find unique, eco-friendly, and sustainable adventures and accommodations offered by small, often family-owned businesses, as an alternative to large corporate travel companies.

The key aspects of Traveljunkies are:

It exclusively features and promotes small travel businesses, rather than large corporations.
It serves as a platform for travelers seeking off-the-beaten-path experiences, avoiding crowded tourist destinations.
It focuses on eco-friendly and sustainable travel options.
It provides a simple search interface to help travelers easily find relevant small businesses offering the type of travel experience they desire.
The goal is to drive growth in travel and tourism by connecting travelers directly with small, local businesses that can offer personalized attention and unique experiences.

In essence, Traveljunkies aims to be a curated directory that makes it easier for travelers to discover and book with small, sustainable travel providers offering authentic, non-mainstream adventures and accommodations.

I haven’t given up on Google because searching for traveljunkies finds us at the top of page 1 so it’s still pretty useful.
But Google produces so much stuff. A simple search has millions of results and many are just links.
Is Google any good at this AI stuff? Doesn’t look like it.

Cliff Chapman