Do You Have Enough Customers?

If you have a million dollars to spend on advertising each year then you don’t need to read this.

But if you’re a small business owner and you don’t have a million dollars to compete with the big travel companies, then this is for you.

If you already have a free ad in Traveljunkies, you know how it works .
You set up your advert like this …

Traveljunkies For Businesses Marketing
(Your website or Landing Page URL)
Advertising is expensive but marketing is free in Traveljunkies. #tjfreeads

That’s all you had to do.
We display your advert 24/7 and it can be found every time a customer visits Traveljunkies.

But what if your advert isn’t generating enough visitors?
Why isn’t it hitting their hot buttons?

  • Does it explain what you offer?
  • Are you using the right keywords?
  • Are you sending them to your best page?
  • You’re competing with everyone else.

Here’s the good news.
A premium advert fixes these problems, and many others.

You’ve already spent time and money creating your website.
Now create a professional looking advert yourself, and include your best keywords.
It’s quick and easy to do and you can save yourself a lot of money.

Remember “above the fold” in the old days?

Being at the top of the page hasn’t changed.
People still start at the top and scroll down.
Once they’ve found what they want, they rarely look any further.
It’s vital they find your advert first so Premium Ads are listed above all the free ads.

Here’s an example of a Premium Ad.

  • Advertise your business home and overseas.
  • Your Premium Advert is at the top of the page.
  • Get found using valuable keywords.
  • Save time, do it once, there’s nothing more to do. 
  • Get a flow of quality visitors from around the world.
  • Build your own lists and convert your visitors into customers.
  • Don’t do what everyone else does.

Remember, Nothing Happens If You Don’t Get Found.

And A  Picture Saves A Thousand Searches

  • You’re easily found at the top of the page.
  • Use popular keywords.
  • Unique keywords are gold.
  • Save time, just create your advert once.
  • Get a constant supply of prospects 24/7
  • No big companies = less competition.

Just one customer pays for your advertising for a whole year.
What Does It Cost?

  • No monthly fee that quickly mounts up.
  • No competing on price to get top position.
  • One time annual low cost of $497 USD

Create your Premium Ad here

"*" indicates required fields

Please enter a title for your advertisement (limit 60 characters)
Please enter your advertisement text (limit 600 characters)
Please let us know where you are, write your town and your country (limit 60 characters)
Please enter a short, one line description of your business (limit 60 characters)
Please upload a photo to feature on your advert (1MB maximum fiesize).
Accepted file types: png, gif, jpg, Max. file size: 1 MB.
Please include the https:// or http:// part of the URL
Your Name*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Solution Graphics

Please make your payment of US$497 to Traveljunkies via Paypal and we will display your advert straight away.
(You don’t need a Paypal account)

Thank you, and welcome to Traveljunkies

Cliff Chapman